Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Juggling Act

Courtesy of Sarah Macedo. 

I’ve been asked to share my experiences on running with a baby or what it’s been like running as a new parent (he’s almost 11 months old so not sure if we count as “new” parents anymore). Regardless, I’m happy to share what my life has been like since having a baby and the impact he’s made on my training. 

My last entry on this blog was last September when the kid was just a few months old, much as changed since then. Most notably, I lost my mind completely and decided to train for the Amica Ironman 70.3 Rhode Island. I told you, I’ve lost it, for real this time. Just 2 months shy of race day, I haven’t completely committed yet (still holding onto my cash, not an official registrant yet). So what that means is all I have done for weeks now is train, read about training, talk about training and worry about training…it’s been a nice distraction from that whole new parent thing. Training for a half Ironman is easier to manage than the never ending battle about nap times. It also means that I disappear basically all day on Sunday for a long bike ride and a run leaving the husband on kid duty (also a VERY nice perk). Great in theory but after only a few weeks the husband started to talk about wanting to go for his own long rides. Fast forward over several debates and failed attempts at alternative solutions and I’m taking the kid on my long runs on Saturday mornings so the husband can get some of his own solo time. I’m lucky in that the kid is a good sport about these runs and quietly takes in the scenery. It does mean that as I’m racing to get out of the house to get to a run on time not only do I have to remember my GU’s and water but I better remember some cheerios and a few toys. We’ll see how long this lasts or at least how long the kid will last in the jogger….

Keep up with Sarah on her blog, A Runner's Ramblings

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